Pax Asgard af Pegasus
Height: 16.3 h Birth Year: 2016
Color Genetics: E/e, A/a, LP/LP, PATN1/PATN1
Panel Status: EVA Negative (Vaccinated Annually), PSSM1 n/n, WFFS1 n/n, LWO n/n
Registry: Knabstrupperforeningen for Danmark (KNN - Knabstrupper)
Fully Licensed: Westfalen's Knabstrupper Book, Anglo European Studbook (AES)
2025 Breeding Fees:
2025 North America Breeding Fee: $1,450.00 USD
2025 North America Frozen Per Dose: $750.00 USD
2025 Australia Frozen Per Dose: $750.00 AUD
2025 Breeding Contracts:
2025 North America Breeding Contract
2025 Australia Frozen Breeding Contract
‘Pax’ has quickly become one of the most prolific sires of high-quality Knabstrupper offspring in North America, and proven to be a sire of exceptional quality, consistently producing premium sport horse type foals. Pax is an excellent option for breeders seeking to add substance, athleticism, and trainability with the added bonus of unique color.
His desire to perform, along with three natural uphill balanced gaits allowed him to excel across multiple disciplines. His powerful forward movement and impressive stature gives his rider an exceptional feel. Pax is intelligent, sensible, kind, and overall an absolute pleasure to work with.
In true form of the Knabstrupper's versatility, Pax excels in dressage, driving, and hunter/jumper. He was awarded bronze in the prestigious Get of Sire class at Dressage at Devon, earning an impressive collective score of 77.15 points, beating out many traditional warmbloods. Pax has demonstrated the Knabstrupper’s competitiveness in the Hunter show ring. After only three months of training, he has placed in nearly all of his Baby Green 2'6" classes at the World Equestrian Center—an incredible feat, given the exquisite caliber of competition. Now starting his jumping career, Pax has already proven to have exceptional form and power, easily clearing 4 feet/1.20m. With his full scope still to be tested, we are excited to see what the future holds.
Pax’s adaptable and kind disposition are deeply rooted in his pedigree of distinguished Knabstruppers. His sire, Pegasus Vom Niehaus-Hof, is a licensed KNN 1st Premium Stallion, imported from Germany, and was awarded the prestigious Premium Stallion title by ZfDP in 2004. Pax is out of the Premium KNN mare Firefly de Bec, known for her sweet, personable nature. Firefly de Bec is by Atlantis (Ambrosius af Asgard), a German-imported KNN stallion renowned for his outstanding temperament, earning a perfect score of 10 for temperament during his licensing.
Pax is 6/8 purebred Knabstrupper in the third generation. He is the only North American Knabstrupper stallion fully licensed and approved with both AES (Anglo European Studbook) and the Westfalen Knabstrupper book. His AES approval allows him to passport offspring into various Warmblood studbooks, including KWPN A Book.
Boasting incredible fertility, Pax is collected for fresh and frozen semen. Frozen semen is available for Australia and New Zealand and stored at Gene Movers. Each frozen dose comes with 8 .5 ml straws with 560 million progressively motile sperm per dose post-thaw. His semen quality post-thaw is 84% motility (initial evaluation was 95%) and 70% progressive motility (initial evaluation was 76%). All frozen or fresh doses come with full-quality reporting.
In his offspring, we consistently see his athletic type, size, willing nature, and good bone come through. Along with being stamped with his fluid forward movement, good length of leg, and a brave, sensible character. Pax is unique in his ability to complement a diverse range of mares, continually producing foals with well-balanced frames and excellent type. For breeders looking to enhance their program with the unique qualities of the Knabstrupper breed, Pax Asgard af Pegasus is an exceptional choice.

What to Expect
When Breeding to Pax Asgard af Pegasus
Pax has proven your foal can have it all: athleticism, reliability, temperament, and good looks!
Exceptional Type & Temperament
Pax is renowned for producing premium foals with incredible type, ideal for excelling in dressage, eventing, and hunter/jumper disciplines. His foals are sport horse types with elastic movement, good bone structure, and bold, confident demeanors. Their willing and intelligent temperaments make them a joy to work with, and a true asset in any barn.
Experience the Pax Difference
Trainers and breeders consistently praise Pax’s offspring for their exceptional qualities, often describing them as the kindest, easiest foals they’ve ever worked with, with a natural, balanced movement and forward energy. Pax’s offspring inherit his outstanding temperament and are known for their bravery, intelligence, and remarkable trainability. With their long legs and stunning coloring, they are visually striking and possess the athleticism required for great sport horse prospects. Pax’s progeny are proving to be ideal partners for riders of all levels, with the perfect blend of abilities to offer both personal enjoyment and excel as highly competitive sport horses.
100% Color Producer
Pax is homozygous for both the LP and PATN1 genes, meaning he will always pass one copy of each gene to his offspring. The LP gene is responsible for the leopard coat pattern, while the PATN1 gene enhances the intensity of the pattern. When bred to a solid-colored mare, these genes combine to produce a leopard pattern in the offspring.
Since Pax is homozygous for both genes (LP/LP and PATN1/PATN1), all of his offspring will inherit one copy of the LP gene and one copy of the PATN1 gene. As a result, every foal will carry the leopard coat pattern, although the intensity may vary depending on other genetic factors inherited from the mare. Just like snowflakes, each foal will have its own unique, one-of-a-kind color pattern—no two are ever the same!
Predict Your Foal's Coat Color
If you know your mare's color genetics, you can pair them with Pax’s to discover the exciting color possibilities for your foal! Coat Color Calculator Pax is a bay base, A/a E/e, homozygous fewspot “appaloosa”, LP/LP PATN1/PATN1.
Pax’s first foal crop, 2020, is just entering the arena, already placing with great marks, and proving to be highly competitive sport horses for all skill levels.
Pure Bred Knabstrupper Filly

More Information
Preparing Your Mare for Breeding
Start by having your mare checked by a certified veterinarian. This will ensure she is in good health and ready for breeding. The vet will evaluate her overall condition and reproductive health to make sure everything is in order.
Mares typically begin their breeding cycle in spring, when daylight increases and their hormonal cycles are triggered. Most mares cycle every 21 days, with the optimal time for breeding being during estrus (when she is in heat).
Your vet will monitor your mare's cycle and determine the time when your mare should be bred. With artificial insemination (AI), we will collect fresh cooled semen from our stallion and ship it directly to your veterinarian when your mare is in estrus. Your vet will time the insemination to coincide with your mare's ovulation.
After insemination, it’s important to monitor your mare closely to confirm pregnancy. We recommend multiple pregnancy checks to prevent issues like twins, misdiagnosed pregnancies, or lost time in the breeding season. Below is our suggested schedule for pregnancy checks.
1st check: 14-16 days post-ovulation – this is the optimum time for the vet to check for twins and pinch off any additional embryos.
2nd check: 28 days post-ovulation – to confirm a viable pregnancy, as the heartbeat generally appears by day 25.
3rd check: 35-40 days post-ovulation – to confirm the pregnancy is progressing before the endometrial cups form. Mares that lose foals early may not come back into heat.
4th check: 55-60 days post-ovulation – final confirmation of pregnancy in its critical first trimester.
Most importantly, choose a veterinarian or breeding facility experienced with AI and equine reproduction to ensure a smooth and efficient process. If you have any questions about how to best prepare your mare or need assistance finding the right facility, please contact us. We’d be happy to help guide you through the process.
As your mare nears the end of her pregnancy, it’s essential to be prepared for the arrival of her foal. The average gestation period for mares is around 340 days, though it can vary slightly. During this time, closely monitor your mare, especially in the last few weeks, for signs that she’s about to foal. Consider using video cameras or other monitoring tools to keep a close eye on her and ensure you're ready when the foal arrives.
Throughout the mare’s pregnancy, ensure she has access to proper nutrition and a comfortable, spacious environment where she can move freely. A large turnout area is ideal to support her overall health and well-being.
When the foal arrives, it’s important to baby-proof the environment to ensure both the mare and foal are safe. Make sure the fencing is secure, with no gaps or hazards that could pose a risk to the foal. Use soft bedding, such as shavings, to provide a clean, cushioned area for the foal to lie down and get up easily. Remove any sharp objects or potential dangers from the area to keep the foal safe as it explores its new world.
If you’re unsure about any aspect of the foaling process or preparing the environment, consider taking your mare to a facility that specializes in foaling. These facilities have the expertise and equipment to assist with both mare and foal care. Always consult a certified veterinarian if you have any concerns about your mare’s pregnancy or the foaling process.
Pax is officially licensed and fully approved with Westfalen’s Knabstrupper Book as well as the AES Anglo-European Studbook. Notably, Pax is the first North American Knabstrupper to receive licensure with AES, expanding opportunities for foal registrations. As AES is a member of the World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses, this allows mares registered in the Foal Book or A-Book of KWPN (and other recognized Warmblood registries) to breed to Pax and produce KWPN A-Book registered foals.
Other associations are available to register your foal, depending on your mares approval and which association she is register with.
More information about the registration process coming soon.
As a boutique breeding program, we do not produce foals every year. If you're interested in purchasing a foal by Pax, please visit his foal page on Facebook or reach out to us directly. We’d be happy to help you find your next equine partner and guide you through the process.
Pax is truly a one-of-a-kind stallion, a true testament to the Knabstrupper breed.
Whether you've welcomed a Pax foal into your life or are simply following along on the exciting journey of Pax and his sparkling offspring, we invite you to be part of the Pax Family!
Get connected through our various social media pages—
Pax Foals on Facebook
Pax's personal Facebook & Instagram
You can also explore our exclusive Pax merchandise to show your support and love for this exceptional stallion.
We’d love for you to follow along, share in the excitement of Pax’s journey, and join a community of passionate horse lovers who admire the unique qualities of Pax and his foals.
Explore Your Foal's Potential Coat Color
If you're curious about the coat color possibilities for a foal, consider pairing your mare’s genetic makeup with Pax’s. By understanding both the mare’s and Pax's genetics, you can predict exciting color outcomes!
Coat Color Calculator: Get an idea of what your foal’s coat might look like.
Genetic Testing for Horses: Learn more about color genetics and your horse's color.
Pax’s base color is bay (A/a E/e), and he is homozygous for the fewspot ‘appaloosa’ pattern (LP/LP, PATN1/PATN1).